1992 Horizon 55'
16.76 m1992 Horizon 55
55' (16.76 m) SHADY LADY
Since its inception in 1987, Horizon has emerged as a leading Asian yacht brand in the luxury megayacht market. Horizon Yachts is responsible for one-third of the Taiwan yachting industry's total export quantity and has elevated Taiwan as one of the world’s top five luxury yacht-building nations.
$ 325,000 USD
$ 469,337 CAD*€ 312,223 Euros*£ 257,887 GBP*
"Shady Lady" is a very custom, one of a kind Horizon 55 with three strong diesel main engines. Truly elegant living aboard this yacht.
All three Caterpillar 3208 TA diesels have just been serviced.
Beam Inch5''
Draft Max Feet6'
Fuel Tank (Gallons)1000
Fuel Tank (Liters)3785.41
Fresh Water (Gallons)250
Fresh Water (Liters)946.35
Holding Tank (Gallons)150
Holding Tank (Liters)567.81
1000 Gallons (3785.41 Liters)
250 Gallons (946.35 Liters)
150 Gallons (567.81 Liters)
Engine 1
- Engine Make: Caterpillar
- ModelEngine Model: 3208 TA
- YearEngine Year: 1992
- Engine TypeEngine Type: Inboard
- Drive TypeDrive Type: Direct
- Power HPPower HP: 435.00
- Power KWPower KW: 324.38
- Feul TypeFeul Type: Diesel
- Engine LocationEngine Location: Port
Engine 2
- Engine Make: Caterpillar
- ModelEngine Model: 3208 TA
- YearEngine Year: 1992
- Engine TypeEngine Type: Inboard
- Drive TypeDrive Type: Direct
- Power HPPower HP: 435.00
- Power KWPower KW: 324.38
- Feul TypeFeul Type: Diesel
- Engine LocationEngine Location: Middle
Engine 3
- Engine Make: Caterpillar
- ModelEngine Model: 3208 TA
- YearEngine Year: 1992
- Engine TypeEngine Type: Inboard
- Drive TypeDrive Type: Direct
- Power HPPower HP: 435.00
- Power KWPower KW: 324.38
- Feul TypeFeul Type: Diesel
- Engine LocationEngine Location: Starboard
Full Details
General Information
- Birds Eye maple and cherry wood trim
- Wood bulkhead paneling
- Partially carpeted cabin sole in main cabin
- Foam cushioned seats and settees
- Main cabin entry aft with "S" shaped seating and table to starboard
- Covered wet bar at aft end
- Wine cooler, entertainment center, and table and stools to port
- Forward is pilothouse helm station
- Main cabin below port side settee, 16,000 Btu
- Lower level berth and head compartment, forward to master stateroom
- Teak and holly sole at lower level
- Curved stairway to lower level with galley on port, berth opposite, hanging lockers, and head compartment forward to port
- Additional compartment, crew quarters aft of lazarette with berth, head and basin
- 3 Marine Air Systems raw water cooled units with individual controllers and air handlers, not deployed
- Below berth and master stateroom is 12,000 Btu
- Raw water cooling: 120 volt electric, March Mfg. pump systems are equipped with sea cocks and sea strainers - Condensation hoses routed to thru-hulls
- GALLEYMarble countertops
- Padded vinyl overheads
- Lower level
- Magic Chef 120 volt microwave oven
- Wine cooler in main cabin
- U-line 120 volt ice maker at aft deck
- Magma rail-mounted BBQ at aft deck
- Porcelin galley basin with hot and cold pressure water
- Norcold 120 volt model 0061 upright freezer/refrigerator
- Europro 120 volt toaster oven
- Seward Princess 120 volt and alcohol 2 burner stove
- Galley area is 17,000 Btu
- ElectronicsVHF/ANTENNA: standard Horizon, Spectrum model at fly bridge, Furuno FM2510 at main cabin with fiberglass antennas at fly bridge
- DEPTH SOUNDER: JRC JFV-86 color depth sounder with transducers on port side and interface with Garmin GPSMap, and Beede depth talker
- KNOT METERS: Sumlog knot and distance meters at both helm stations
- STEREO/TELEVISION: Kenwood KDC-3001 CD player, JVC MP3 player, Sony TV, Scientific Atlantic cable TV, Pioneer DVD/VHS player, interior and exterior speakers
- AUTOPILOT: Robertson AP200DL autopilot with flux gate compass below cabin sole in galley area
- GPS/LORAN: Garmin 188C with remote antenna at fly bridge, JRC JLU-111 Loran plotter in main cabin with antenna at fly bridge
- RADAR: JRC JMA-3210 24 mile radar with display in main cabin, antenna at radar arch
- ElectricalD.C. SYSTEM:
- Lead acid battery powered 12 and 24 volt systems in secured battery boxes
- Banks - 12volt, 4, 8D and 2 4D batteries in lazarette for house, engine start and generator start, 24 volt, 2 4D batteries below master stateroom berth for bow thruster
- Rotary Selector in main cabin and engine battery switches in engine room
- DC main panel at main cabin, branch panels at lower helm station and fly bridge, over current protection are circuit breakers, and analog voltage gauges at upper and lower helm stations
- Alternators on main diesel engines, and recently painted diesel generator
- 3 120 volt battery chargers, Xantax 20 amp in lazarette, Promariner 40 amp in engine room and Charles 30 amp at bow thruster batteries
- 4 power inlets, port side aft of amid ships port with weather stainless steel with caps, rated 120 volt; 50 amp each, with single shore power cord
- Rotary type AC/Generator and circuit breaker at main A.C. panel, main salon
- Circuit breakers and polarity indicator at main cabin
- Voltage meters at helm station
- Captive lug type wires - well routed and supported
- A.C. outlets available throughout vessel
- Onan, fuel injected diesel, rating 12.5 kw Voltage Rating: 120 AC located starboard side in lazarette with sound shield enclosure
- Fuel supply: main tank with separate lines and manifold, operable ball type shut off
- DECK CONSTRUCTIONMolded, two level raised cabin, port and starboard gangways, well type aft deck of wood cored FRP
- Deck overlap type with stainless steel rub rail fasteners and bonded
- White gelcoat forward of cabin with molded non-skid, teak overlay at cabin sides and aft deck
- Aft deck has 2 cored and FRP hatches with teak overlay
- Crew quarters escape below seating
- Cabin sides, port and starboard amid ships has 2 cored FRP locking hatches with teak overlay
- Bow deck has 5 aluminum and acrylic hatches
- HULL Hull and shaft zincs replaced at 2/15/2008 haul-out and Bottom pain is new, recoated at this haul-out.Semi-displacement
- Sharply raked bow
- Flat hull sides
- Curved stern
- Straight sheer, modified "V" hull with moderate deadrise at mid section of fiberglass
- Sharply raked stem with FRP bow sprit reinforced with well-fastened, stainless steel plate
- Transom: Reinforced FRP, rounded with FRP swim step, boarding ladders and hand holds
- Bulkheads: Athwart ships reinforcement enhanced by wood bulkheads bonded to the hull with FRP (fiber reinforced plastic)
- Deep bilge area provides the area for most boat systems and tankage, bilges are clean and limber holes are clear
- White painted hull with black boot top stripes, and stainless steel rub rail at shear
- Ten, stainless steel and laminated glass, opening port lights, 4 each port and starboard, 2 at transom, and 4 engine room vents with stainless steel screens, port and starboard
- Stringers: Main hull stiffness provided by wood cored, FRP longitudinal stringers
- Fasteners: Stainless steel
- Chain Locker: Single chain locker with single chain hawser and access aluminum and acrylic hatch aft of windlass
- 1 Type IV-USCG approved throw-able device port side and aft deck
- Bell at aft deck
- 12 volt horn at starboard side fly bridge
- Navigational lights
- 2 search lights fore and aft facing, electrically operated with controls at helm stations, mounted forward of fly bridge and at radar arch
- 2 bow lights
- FCC Station Licence
- Viking life raft, 8 person canister on stainless steel cradle at fly bridge aft deck
- Bilge pump Rule Submersible 3500 GPH w/float switch below galley sole
- Bilge pump Rule Submersible 2000 GPH w/float switch in engine room
- Bilge pump Whale Manual Gusher model below galley are berth
- 3 Type BI (2lbs) dry chemical Fire Extinguishers with gauges
- 2 Fireboy 1300 models fixed fire extinguishing system in engine room
- Day/Night visual distress signals - hand held, aerial flares
- "NO OIL DISCHARGE"/"NO TRASH DUMPING" plaques displayed at lazarette hatch
- Commander 300 security alarm with motion sensors in cabins with direct emergency telephone dialing
- Vessel intercommunication phones at fly bridge, engine room, main cabin, galley and staterooms
- DECK FITTINGSBOW / STERN PULPIT: 1 1/4", tubular stainless steel stanchions and top rail system, thru-bolted, runs perimeter of deck port to starboard
- CHOCKS AND CLEATS: 8, stainless steel, twin, mooring bollards, 4 each - port and starboard
- DAVITS / CRANES: Electrically operated, hydraulic deck crane by Nautical Structures - mounted aft on transom
- GUNWALE / TOE RAILS: Molded gunwale at aft deck
- SCUPPERS: Flush, cambered deck forward, cockpit has scuppers at port and starboard aft corners
- GRAB RAIL / HAND HOLDS: 1" tubular stainless steel - well fastened - along cabin house port and starboard
- WINDSHIELD, PORTLIGHTS AND WINDOWS3 Stainless steel and laminated glass port lights
- 1 Opening at aft deck - sliding glass door
- 4 Stainless steel and laminated opening port lights at cabin sides, 2 each port and starboard
- 3 Stainless steel and laminated glass windshields forward with double windshield wipers - all in good condition
- GROUND TACKLE (ANCHOR SYSTEMS)Estimated 75 lbs stainless steel, CQR type anchor at bow roller with Fortress 37X stern anchor in lazarette
- Estimated 150 ft of 3/8" galvanized chain at bow
- Windlass is Maxwell 12 volt 3600 model at bow with deck switches; Maxwell 12 volt 3500 model at stern, starboard side - stern controls at crew quarters, controls at both helm stations
- STEERINGHydraulic by Hynautic, at pilothouse and fly bridge
- Stainless steel wheel at fly bridge
- Stainless and cherry wood at pilothouse
- Reinforced flexible hose with metallic fittings
- Pressure/reservoir tank with gauge at fly bridge and tank in engine room
- Rudder stock 2 1/4" stainless steel, hull-mounted metal bracing
- Rudder position indicator is electro-mechanical type, part of ACT system with analog gauges at helm stations
- Bennett trim tabs are stainless steel at port and starboard with double actuator cylinders and controls with indicators at both helm stations
- 24 volt bow thruster with stainless steel mount and 3 blade, bronze propeller in FRP tunnel at bow, and controls at helm stations
- 150 gallon(est) tank located aft of master stateroom with Jabsco macerator
- 3 Par 120 volt model heads, electrically operated for flush in head compartments, MSD type III
- Thru-hulls at individual head locations; double-clamped
- Pump Out on deck and clearly marked
- Basins on the vessel drain to the thru-hulls, showers drain to a sump below the cabin sole at gallery area with Jabsco belt drive, 12 volt pump, with strainer and float switch
- Tanks are steel and freshly painted
- 250 gallons in 2 tanks with sight gauges
- Deck level fills are clearly marked with stainless steel vents at hull sides
- 2 12 volt demand type water pumps located port side lazarette
- 3 filter, and flexible hose and clamp fittings throughout vessel fixtures
- Fresh water shower at swim step
- Fresh water wash down at bow
- Seaward 120 volt electric 12 gallon in lazarette with copper pressure relief valve built into tank
- Drainage is new reinforced plastic hose, led to bilge
- FUEL SYSTEMSDiesel fuel
- 1000 gallons in 2 tanks, located port and starboard engine room
- Both fuel tanks are stainless steel, secured by hull-bonded wood frame
- Shut-off valves at tanks
- 4 remote mounted Racor filter/water separator type - 3 for main engines and one for generator, and engine mount spin on/off type
- Tank tender gauges at pilothouse helm station
- Fill deck fitting clearly marked as to fuel type
- Vent locations: Hull sides with flame screens
- Hoses and clamps are Grade USCG type A1
- Supply and return are pipe to flexible hose to engine connections
- MAIN ENGINES and PROPULSION SYSTEMTHREE ENGINES: Caterpillar, model 3208 TA, 8 cylinder, turbocharged and after cooled
- Clean and freshly painted engines
- THROTTLE AND GEAR CONTROLS: Hynautic, hydraulic system with ACT Electrohelm interface at both upper and lower helm stations, and remote at fly bridge
- ENGINE MOUNTS AND BEDS: heavy wood longitudinal, FRP covered stringers inboard and outboard. Adjustable motor mounts are bolted to the stringers and are used to adjust the prop shaft alignment as well as secure the engines to the hull stringer structure
- EXHAUST SYSTEM: Raw water cooled 9" steel pipes thermal lagged at exhaust manifold to outboard FRP pipe. Flexible hose aft then exiting through FRP molded fittings at transom.
- Closed reservoir cooling with raw water cooled exhaust. Raw water intakes as well as all thru-hulls connected to shut on/off valves are bronze alloy sea cocks. Raw water strainers are bronze alloy with sight glass
- GAUGES/HOUR METERS/SYNCROS: VDO gauges at fly bridge pilothouse helm stations, with oil pressure, water temperature, battery charge, RPM, transmission and pressure.*On 2/15/08: Pilothouse hour gauges showed PORT ENGINE 1276 HRS, CENTER ENGINE 1838 HRS and STARBOARD ENGINE 1278 HRS, engine synchronizers, manufacturer undetermined, control in engine room, activators at helm stations
- VENTILATION: Natural flow ventilation provided by port and starboard hull vents and venting aft of cabin house
- TRANSMISSIONS: Straight drive Caterpillar (Twin Disc), gear ratio 2.54 to 1
- PROP SHAFTS/COUPLER/PACKING GLAND: 2 1/14" stainless shafts,(intermediate shaft coupled at center engine) solid couplers, PSS shaft seals
- FLY BRIDGE Flying bridge with afterdeck overhang and radar arch of cored FRP - white with molded non-skid, and carpeted:Acrylic spray shield:port, starboard and forward
- 1" tubular stainless steel at spray shield
- SEATING: Pedestal helm seat, molded and cushioned, L shaped port side seating with table, canvas covered
- HATCHES/DOORS/COAMINGS: Single entry, stainless steel and wood ladder from aft deck, coamings port and starboard, open at aft overhang, storage with hatches below console
- VDO gauges
The company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal without notice.
For more information about this yacht, please contact John Dukesherer We look forward to working with you!
For more information about this yacht, please contact John Dukesherer. We look forward to working with you!
For more information about this yacht, please contact John Dukesherer.