Sean Fenniman

Sean Fenniman
Sean Fenniman

110 N. Dixie Hwy.  
Stuart FL 34994


Born and raised in the beautiful boat building town of Stuart, FL. Sean spent his childhood fishing and boating in the inland and offshore waters of Florida and the Bahamas. He started running his first boat an 8’ dingy with a tiller motor at the age of 4. As a teen, Sean was fortunate to have an opportunity to mate for some of the most respected Captains in the industry and learn from a very young age the proper way to maintain yachts, run them and fish them. Sean graduated Sum Magna Cum Laude from the University of Florida where he also met his wife, Tina.

After graduation Sean was approached by one of the Principals of Allied Marine to join the Team and sell the yachts he knew so well. 21 years later, Sean is the most Consistent Top Brokerage Producer for the last decade (and has been New Yacht Producer of the Year as well) for Allied Marine/ Ferretti Group. He sold over 1,000 boats in his career and has been fortunate to travel the world doing so. Sean has toured every prestigious manufacturer’s ship yards in Europe, Asia and the US. His extensive knowledge of the yachts and his 20 year old relationships with manufacturers, fellow brokers, marina owners, service vendors, trades, and the like make Sean well rounded and able to handle any boating related task at hand.

Whether it’s customizing a new build at one of Ferretti Group’s 11 factories, assisting a captain in service work or creating the dream delivery trip to the turquoise waters of the Bahamas, Sean has the knowledge and expertise to make a client’s yachting experience the most pleasurable and fun moments in life. As Sean lives by his motto the “Best Days are those spent floating with friends and family!”

Sean practices what he preaches and spends his free time boating with his wife Tina, and three beautiful blonde daughters, Grace, and twins Izzie and Bella. All three girls have a passion for the ocean. They have their boaters licenses, fish, spear, dive and run boats just like their dad.

Broker’s Listings

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