Jason Whitaker

Jason Whitaker
Jason Whitaker

909 N Tomahawk Island Drive Suite 104 
Portland OR 97217

(971) 244-2667


Jason has been in, on, and around the water all of his life. Growing up in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, he has always had an interest in the water and started surfing and fishing at a young age. Free diving and tooling around on boats as a kid was a natural part of his evolution into a waterman. After high school, Jason moved to Cape Town, where he began working as a first mate aboard a 60ft charter sailboat, doing sailing tours to Robben Island and surrounds. After a few years of day charter work, some local coastal deliveries and sailboat racing from the Royal Cape Yacht Club, Jason began delivering brand new Southern Wind Shipyard Farr 72 sailboats from Cape Town to the Mediterranean (+- 7000nm). During these years, he would also work aboard 100ft+ mega-yachts as a First Officer, often involved in charter work in the Mediterranean and US east coast.

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