Russ Mills
Russ Mills
Wallingford CT 06492
Meet our founder: Russ Mills has been in boating since 1995, with his first boat being a 1988 Sea Ray Seville bowrider. Since then, he has owned several different styles, makes and sizes, both gasoline and diesel powered. With his enduring love of boating, deep business experience & passion for delighting customers, he founded RAMarkable Yacht Sales LLC. Russ has built an extensive executive career in business that spans more than 30 years within two Fortune 500 companies and brings a deep business & finance experience. He has sold large vessels, written contracts, contributed to boating forums and advised fellow boat owners over many years. Combining this business experience and a mission to delight customers with high integrity, helps to ensure that you have a professional partner working with and for you, along with the confidence that all of the important steps get covered. We offer professional, trustworthy boat and yacht brokerage services at competitive rates. Let us be the trusted partner on your next purchase or sale! Avoid time-consuming hassles. risks and complexities that fall onto you if you go it alone, without a broker. We will help manage the 10 steps involved in buying a boat, which start with proper marketing & advertising of your vessel and finish with the excitement of closing your deal! Have us working for you on both sides of the deal!