Dennis Smith

My boating history goes back to birth. My grandparents had a summer cottage on a lake in NH. I was practically born on the water! I started water skiing at 6 yrs old and driving boats at 11.
I chose to work for Grande Yachts because they had the best yacht brands in the industry! I had taken a break from the boat industry for a couple years in 2009. Grande had approached me to get back in it. I realized it was my passion. It was the best career decision I have made in the last 26 years.
My greatest accomplishments were starting the UNCW co-ed waterski team and starting Cape Fear Yacht Sales with my business partner. Those two endeavors changed the lives of so many people for the better!
I am happy to help my clients with everything boating before and after the sale! Most of my clients are on 2nd, 3rd and 4th boats with me. That doesn't just happen. Dedication to service and Long term relationships with manufacturers of the boats, motors, components and more translates into getting things done!