Willie Lynch

Willie Lynch
Willie Lynch

Goat Island Marina 5 Marina Plaza 
Newport RI 02840


Willie is originally from Dublin, Ireland and grew up sailing on the Irish Sea. From a young age he competed as much as he could and as a young man crewed in several successful racing programs both in Ireland and abroad. His racing days expanded into boat management, instruction and maintenance that resulted in jobs around the world including Greece, Spain, and Australia before moving to Chicago in the early 2000s.

After a few years with a sailing and charter business in Chicago, Willie began working with a private owner who was passionate about both sailboat and powerboat restorations. Together they restored two Huckins powerboats over several years which led to a new pastime for Willie who has since worked closely with many Huckins owners around the country. To date he has been involved with over ten refits and is one of the most knowledgeable Huckins boaters around.

Willie has sailed tens of thousands of miles between racing, deliveries and cruising, in every role imaginable. His broad boating background guarantees he will be able to understand what any client is looking for and provide first-hand experience and advice on all aspects of boat ownership and management. He knows the benefits and challenges of being a boat owner and will give honest answers to any questions someone may have.

When Willie is not taking care of other people’s boats or talking about boats or reading about boats or thinking about boats, he can be found sailing on his own 38’ sailboat with his wife and two young children. Who, fortunately, also really like boats.

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