Alexander Hall

Growing up in Malta, Alex was surrounded by the Mediterranean maritime industry. He built his first model boat at the age of 11 and hasn’t stopped playing with boats since. In no time, Alex learned to sail and had his offshore captain’s license by age 17 and his Ocean Master ticket by his mid 20's. Besides learning and developing skills as a seaman, he was also playing with engines and machinery of all types, including building and racing rally cars and old motorcycles.
With a college background in physics, applied and pure mathematics, he studied naval architecture, which culminated in being employed at Sergio Lupoli Yacht Design in Naples for 5 years, this included design and building schedules of small custom IRC racing sailboats. While this led to work on a wide variety of projects and boats, restlessness eventually led back to sea, initially as mate on an ocean-going tug, master on a research dive vessel, running a Swan for the Japanese delegation at a G7 summit, several transatlantic passages, as well as racing yachts in the Middle Sea Race and elsewhere in the Mediterranean.
More recently he was captain/engineer onboard a 30m classic motor yacht for 13 years, with an approximate 5000Nm yearly cruising schedule. Besides being responsible for the guests & crew, Alex scheduled and oversaw the extensive refit and maintenance programs required for an old classic yacht, with all the numerous little bits that go with keeping such a vessel afloat and running.
In addition to his native languages of Maltese, English, and Italian, Alex is conversant in Spanish, French, and Arabic. He and his wife sailed from Malta to the US in their 33-foot gaff cutter. They now reside in Portsmouth, and in their free time explore the US countryside on their dual sport motorcycles. He is a life member of the Royal Malta Yacht Club and past president of the Rhode Island Soaring Club, where he is a prominent participant in national model sailplane contests.
Alex is now on the team at Brewer Yacht Sales, and keen to utilize his decades of experience on behalf of clients, wishing to experience the fun and pleasure of yacht ownership.